English Gematria is an ancient art of encoding words, numbers or phrases with a numerical representation. It has been used for centuries to decipher secret messages, correspondences and even symbolic references in literature and the Bible. The practice of enciphering words or phrases in a numerical code originated in ancient Hebrew and ancient Greek. However, the practice has been adapted over the centuries to other languages including English, French, German and Spanish.
Gematria is based on assigning each letter of the alphabet to a numerical value (1-9; 10-90; 100-900) so that words can be converted into their corresponding numerical values by adding together their letters' numerical equivalents. For example, the word 'Ace' would be encoded as 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 using English Gematria. By using this process with different numbers as variables, it is possible to calculate how two different words (or phrases) relate to each other numerically. For instance, if 'Love' were encoded with 100 + 60 + 900 = 1,060 and 'Peace' were encoded with 40 + 5 + 80 + 700 = 825; then the difference between them is 1,060 – 825 = 235.
The practice of gematria has long been associated with occult practice and spirituality. It was originally used by Greeks to calculate when it was auspiciously time to perform religious rituals or business deals by analyzing the numerological correlations between words or names of people involved in said activity. Over time it has also been used to interpret bible codes or uncover hidden messages within sacred texts—particularly King James Version of the Bible—in an attempt to uncover God's true will for us on earth through cryptographic clues and hidden messages supposedly hidden within its verses.
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